Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Forgery Practice

While I wasn't able to attend the forgery practice at school, so I instead asked my grandmother to write the same phrase "I have your kids. Bring $1,000,000 by 12 noon or you will never see them again!"

At first I was questioned why I wanted her to write this, so I responded 'to know how to forge your handwriting.' She was complient and commented on how her handwriting was that of a relaxed crook on the run.

My attempt at freehand forgery was awful. Anyone would have known there was a difference between the two samples of writing. The terrible forgery foiled my plans on being a con artist.

The traced forgery was more of a success than the freehand by far. It appears very polished compared to the freehand forgery because you can directly compare the forged passage with the original passage. I still have a long way to go to learn how to forge.

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