Monday, September 7, 2009

Patterns of fingerprints

Plain Arch: A fingerprint whose ridges go from left to right but there is a small peak in the middle of the print.

Tented Arch: Same as a Plain Arch, but the peak consists of an upthrusting peak.

Ulnar Loop: A loop in a print whose loop is directed towards the thumb. Directed away from the radius.

Radial Loop: A loop that is pointed in the opposite direction of an unlar loop. Directed towards the radius.

Plain Whorl: Ridges (usually 2 or 3) that form a circular shape around a small circular ridge.

Central Pocket Loop: A plain whorl that has a ridge bisecting it.

Double Loop Whorl: An overall circular motion in ridges. Two opposite loops that form a circular whole.

Composite: A print made up of a variety of types.

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